My wife and I have traveled extensively throughout the US and some in Europe, but this was the first time ever that we hugged the hotel proprietors as we checked out. You do not have to hug Joan or Tom Foster, but you will love them. By the end of our first day we were friends. By the end of our second day we were family. Their home was immaculate and the breakfasts were fantastic. (I strongly recommend the Lough Erne Sizzler, pronounced Lock Air-n Sizzler). We sat on the bed and watched out our window as Irish Hares and wild Pheasants frolicked in the yard just feet away. I had read the other reviews about this place, but still was not ready for the beauty and peace and tranquility. Well done Joan and Tom!
Just at the bottom of the hill from Willowbank House is a beautiful pond where my wife fed the swans.
The next picture is the same pond, and I think the prettiest photo of our trip.